Clamping without pressure

INOTop® produces best roundness results thanks to the fiixed counter bearing principle. By using INOTop® , thin-walled parts in particular can be clamped without polygon formation. The INOTop® clamping system can be used on almost any existing chuck from a diameter of 260 mm, no matter which jaw connection is used. Deformations caused by the clamping process are therefore no longer an issue.

Cheaper &
flexible all-rounder

The innovative INOTop® hybrid clamping jaw by HWR was designed specifically for turning deformation-sensitive parts. In conventional chucks with INOTop®, components that are sensitive to deformation are simply centred without external pressure via the chuck function and then clamped from the inside. INOTop® thus prevents unwanted polygon formation. Turning results that were previously only possible with costly special clamping solutions can now be achieved at low cost quite easily. With the innovative INOTop® hybrid clamping jaws by HWR, INOTop® produces best roundness results thanks to the fixed counter bearing principle.

  • Part is centred without pressure from outside for clamping
  • Without polygon formation
  • Perfect roundness results
  • Defined clamping force by the moveable jaw
  • Low-costs
  • No expensive special clamping solutions needed

How it works

In conventional clamping, the clamping pressure is introduced into the workpiece via the clamping points. With thin-walled workpieces, this clamping pressure has a considerable influence on the geometry of the workpiece. The result is a deformation due to the clamping process, which has a negative effect on the roundness results. When INOTop® is used, the function of the chuck is only used for centering the workpiece and not for the clamping process itself. This means that the clamping pressure can be reduced to such an extent that no further clamping pressure is applied to the workpiece after the workpiece has been centered. Following the centering process, the moving gripper jaw is now pulled from the inside against
the centering, the fixed counter support, by manually actuating the spindle in the INOTop® jaw. The clamping has no influence on the workpiece geometry.

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