Our New SOLIDLine Product
HWR starts with an additional product range for SOLIDLine milling.
With more than 16 years of experience, we have the necessary know-how to solve practical problems in the machining process. Our guiding principle is to question existing designs and try out creative new ideas and concepts. For example, we have revised and improved the proven zero-point technology known in the market and developed the SOLIDPoint® product range. By changing the mechanics, significantly higher retraction and holding forces can now be achieved compared with products from market competitors, and at the same cost. This means that our zero-point technology can also be used in the field of heavy-duty clamping.
In addition, by reversing the functional principle (SOLIDBolt), we have succeeded in equipping even large machines with zero-point clamping technology for a fraction of the existing price. In addition to the low price, better handling when inserting the clamping devices into the zero-point system and even higher holding and pulling forces are essential advantages.
The SOLIDLine products for milling clamping technology and the INOLine® products for turning clamping technology make us your perfect partner for clamping projects in both turning and milling.

The new HWR zero point clamping technology SOLIDBolt